
Stay Active During the Holidays!

Published December 20th, 2022 by Dr. Daner

It’s (almost) everyone’s favorite time of the year! The holidays are here, and that means it’s time to take time off work, relax, and enjoy the blessings of being surrounded by friends and family. Despite all these wonderful things, the holidays are a time when we are often sedentary and can overindulge quite a bit. This can be a detriment to your spinal health and derail your New Year’s fitness goals before they begin. But if you take some steps to stay active during the holidays, you’ll make the absolute most of your time with people you care about. 

Stretch During Holiday Travel

Like it or not, the holidays are a time of increased travel. Whether it's by plane, train, or automobile, people do a lot of sitting during this time of year. And as we’ve discussed in the past, prolonged sitting is one of the worst things we can do for our spinal health. It’s also generally bad for your health–that’s why some say that sitting is the new smoking. 

I always advise patients to try to stand up and stretch as much as possible when they are traveling for prolonged periods of time. You can always get up and move on a plane or train when you have a longer trip. If you’re traveling by car, periodic stops are recommended, even if it's just for a few minutes to stretch your legs and back out. Try setting out a little earlier than normal. If you give yourself extra time to get where you’re going, you’ll have more chances to stop and stretch (and probably less stress). 

Offset Big Meals with Regular Exercise

Obviously, the holidays are a wonderful time if you love eating and drinking. (And who doesn’t love eating and drinking?) Overindulgence is quite common during the holidays. And, hey, that’s okay! One day of eating and drinking your fill and then some shouldn’t hurt too much as long as you have the willpower to get back on track with healthy eating habits.

You can combat overindulging with something I always talk about: paying it forward! Before sitting down at the dinner table, get a quick workout in. Try to get at least 20 minutes of exercise several times the week of your gathering to offset the effects of increased eating and drinking. This will help you feel better as you head toward achieving your New Year’s fitness goals. 

Don’t wait for the ball to drop to become the best you that you can be. New Year’s resolutions rarely work—you have to be prepared to make a full-blown lifestyle change. And there’s never a wrong time to make improvements to your routines, especially if they lead to better spinal health and overall wellness. 

Happy Holidays from Markson Chiropractic

It’s the holidays—enjoy this time to the fullest! Yes, sometimes that means grabbing a second helping and having a pair of stretchy pants on standby. But you can get everything you want out of your time with family and still find ways to stay active during the holidays. Looking to get started on your New Year’s fitness goals in Plantation, FL? Call Markson Chiropractic at (954) 472-7975 or schedule an appointment online to learn more about services like customized exercise and nutrition programs.

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