Don't Stress During Holiday Travel!

The holiday travel season has officially begun! This time of year, many people become accustomed to the inside of planes, trains, and automobiles. Travel can be fun, but it's also stressful to your mind and body. Here are some suggestions to make holiday travel easier with stress and pain relief.
Be Mindful of Packing
Traveling with a lot of luggage can cause your body problems, especially if you don't pack light! Your back, neck, shoulders, and arms are all strained as you drag that 30-pound suitcase through the airport. Do not even consider lifting it to put it in the overhead bins! It is best to pack light to avoid this problem. Consider carefully the things you plan on taking with you as you prepare to leave. Ensure that you rotate the side you carry the luggage on regularly to distribute the weight evenly.
Don't Forget to Stretch
The public transportation system isn't exactly known for its roominess. It doesn't matter where you sit. Whether you're in an aisle, window, or a middle seat, cramped seating conditions can wear you out.
It is best to choose an aisle seat if you can so you don't have to crawl over strangers every time you wish to stand and stretch. For pain relief, get up every 30 to 60 minutes to stretch out your legs.
Get Chiropractic Care
During the holidays, stress and anxiety are at their highest. There is a lot to worry about holiday travel plans, visiting with family, and buying gifts. Chiropractic can't eliminate all the triggers, but it can help your body deal with them. Chiropractors can relieve a considerable amount of tension in the spine, which can provide stress relief. By eliminating stress, the body can lower its natural response to these triggers.
Travel, food, and inactivity are all ingredients for developing discomfort. However, chiropractic care can help you avoid these aches and pains. By removing restrictions from the spine, chiropractors can help provide pain relief and improve mobility.
Enjoy your holiday travels, but remember to keep your health in mind on the way. Start by scheduling an appointment at Markson Chiropractic, your local South Florida chiropractor. With years of experience helping people in and around Plantation, we would love to help you have a pain and stress-free holiday season!
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