
Maintain Flexibility with Chiropractic Care

Published May 11th, 2021 by Dr. Markson

Flexibility is far more important than most of us realize until we get older. If we can maintain how flexible we are from youth, we are far less likely to struggle with balance problems when we get into our golden years. By taking the time to stretch often and do regular flexibility exercises, we can keep our joints loose and our bodies from deteriorating as much. This can keep us healthier into our older years and help us maintain our independence longer. 

Common Flexibility Exercises We Recommend

One of the first exercises we recommend are stretches for flexibility. This is because stretching allows the joints to move more freely and keeps them from locking up. With life being in front of a computer for most of us, our joints do not get used as much as they should. Stretching can help the body stay properly aligned, improving overall balance, and of course, flexibility. 

Another common set of flexibility exercises we recommend include standing stretches. These stretches for flexibility include things like: 

  • Lunges for balance and leg flexibility

  • Shoulder and arm raises to help shoulders and arms remain flexible

  • Side bends to open the hips, back, and shoulders

  • Hamstring stretches

  • Knee raises for the hip and full leg

  • Leaning over lifting the arms behind you for back, neck, and shoulder release

  • And more!

The more flexibility exercises you can do, the more open and mobile your body can remain. Even taking a few minutes each day for these exercises can really add up. 

Contact Us Here at Markson Chiropractic for More Information

When your goal is to enhance or at least maintain your flexibility as you age, then you want to come in and see what sets our Plantation chiropractic office different from the rest. We are here to help you feel your best now and well into the future. Contact us here at Markson Chiropractic today and let us assess and help with your flexibility needs today!

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