
Stay Motivated and Get Back into the Gym!

Published February 28th, 2023 by Dr. Daner

As I went to the gym this morning, I could not help but notice how the population has dropped significantly since New Year’s Day. Are the gym resolutioners already giving up? Are you one of them? If you’ve fallen off the proverbial wagon, it can be hard to stay motivated and get back into the gym. But don’t panic! You have plenty of time to get back on that wagon and achieve your fitness goals—March is a new month, and that means it’s a chance for a fresh start. And one of the best ways to get onboard is easing back into working out

Easing Back Into Working Out May Work Out Best

If you’ve read our blogs before, you know that we are not the biggest fans of New Year's resolutions. If some type of behavior or habit needs to be changed, I’ve always felt it should be done right away rather than waiting for some landmark date to start. However, some people need to have that motivation of a “new year, new me” ... and that’s okay! If it works for you, that’s all that matters. 

The key is managing expectations and being realistic. If you are not a “workout person” normally, setting a resolution to go to the gym every day is unrealistic. You won’t be able to keep your resolution, which will make it difficult to stay motivated, and you may eventually fall off altogether. 

However, by slowly easing back into working out—even if you only get back into the gym once or twice a week to start—you will be able to stay motivated, set achievable goals, and build on your progress. Within a couple of months, you’ll see your frequency at the gym increase, as well as your intensity and results. 

It's kinda like the opposite of going cold turkey. How often does cold turkey actually work? Not often, because too much at once is not a recipe for success. You have to basically wean yourself into whatever resolution you are trying to keep if you want to keep it for good. Whether you’re trying to get back into the gym, eat healthier and kick your sugar cravings, drink less, or whatever your goal may be, it's much more realistic to ease into it and build on your results rather than completely change your behaviors overnight.

Markson Chiropractic Can Help You Get Back Into the Gym

Whatever behavior or habit you are trying to change as part of your New Year’s resolution, you are still in the window of time to make changes and succeed. Just try to be realistic about your goals and expectations. Something is always better than nothing, so if you’ve gotten off track and feel discouraged, get back into the gym once and see if you don’t find it easier to stay motivated. 

Assuming that getting a great summer body is part of your motivation for working out, there's still plenty of time until May when our summer season kicks off here in South Florida. If you need help easing back into working out, we offer fitness and nutritional counseling at Markson Chiropractic that can get you off and running. Schedule an appointment with us today and visit our offices in Plantation, FL.

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