
How to Kick Sugar Cravings in the New Year

Published January 24th, 2023 by Dr. Daner

Happy New Year, everyone! If you’re like so many other people, you’re heading into the new year with big goals for self-improvement. That might include getting down to a healthier weight or just knocking off a few pounds to prepare your best beach bod yet. One of the best ways to lose weight is by reducing your sugar intake, which may sound easier said than done if you have a sweet tooth. But if you know how to kick sugar cravings, it’s much easier to pick up better eating habits

How to Kick Sugar Cravings in 2023

Set Your Goals Accordingly

Lifestyle changes can seem pretty intimidating if you’re not looking at the forest for the trees. Setting realistic goals is the first step to making progress with your New Year’s resolutions, including starting better eating habits. Set a goal of going a day, week, or even month without sugary snacks. When you’ve achieved that, the idea of reducing your reliance on sweets for a whole year and beyond suddenly seems less challenging. 

Once you’ve proven to yourself that you can do whatever you put your mind to, you can feel more confident about enjoying the occasional snack. Occasionally indulging in a donut at the office or a piece of cake at a holiday party isn’t a bad thing as long as you stick to better eating habits overall. There are a lot of ways to lose weight, and you can still achieve your goals even if you treat yourself every now and then. 

Equip Yourself to Succeed

When you’re thinking of how to kick sugar cravings, you should also focus on how you’re going to positively replace sugar in your diet. Balanced nutrition is key to optimal health and wellness—make sure that you’re giving your body what it needs, and you’ll have more natural focus and energy to get through your day. Eating more fruit rather than processed snacks can help satisfy your sweet tooth while offering more nutritional value.

You can also support better eating habits by making sure you’re getting enough water every day. Staying hydrated helps prevent impulsive snacking, which can also mean less sugar. In addition, you may want to consider natural supplements that help curb sugar cravings and keep you on track with your weight-loss goals. 

Start Your Wellness Journey with Markson Chiropractic 

If you’re looking for ways to lose weight and need help figuring out how to kick sugar cravings, Markson Chiropractic is here to help. We’re proud to offer exercise and nutritional counseling, which empowers you to make 2023 the year you take your body back. Schedule an appointment and visit us at our offices in Plantation, FL, to get started.

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