
How To Curb Your Sugar Craving

Published February 14th, 2017 by Dr. Hoder

My last blog post was focused on ways to improve your health, and one great way to do this is to cut sugar out of your diet. Typically women tend to have more of a sweet tooth then men. This is due to the female hormone called estradiol. Other sugar cravings can also be caused by overloaded adrenal glands, a yeast infection, and underactive thyroid gland, or an imbalance of bacteria in the body. So what can you do to crave these sugar cravings?

Go Organic

I know organic food can be more expensive, but your health is worth it! Plus Trader Joe's is finally down here and very affordable. Processed foods tend to contain a lot of sugar, and studies have shown that our bodies crave sugar more than fat. So the more sugary the food, the more likely we are to crave it again later. The more you can avoid these sugary processed food, the better.

Try the Salty Sweet Visualization Exercise

Visualizations may seem silly, but they work! Try this: When you are craving something sweet, imagine that sweet covered in salt. Not sprinkled. Covered in salt. Now picture yourself putting even more salt on that same sweet you are craving, and you will likely stop craving it. This has proven to work because we have a natural aversion to overly salted foods. 

Eat More Probiotics

As I mentioned in my last blog, probiotics can help restore balance to your bacterial levels. Which will likely lead to less sugar cravings.  We carry probiotics in the office so just ask us during your next visit. 

Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable

Sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t keep their blood sugar stable. This instability can cause a lack of energy, an increase in cravings, mood swings, memory issues and imbalanced hormones. To balance your blood sugar eat foods low on the glycemic index (veggies, berries, nuts and seeds), eat several small meals throughout the day, make sure to get protein with every meal, don’t skip breakfast and ditch the sodas.

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