Holiday Travel by Air without a Care!

Long security lines, rushing to gates, hauling over-packed luggage and scrunching up in an uncomfortable seat – nobody said holiday travel was easy! At Markson Chiropractic, your health and wellness is our priority and we want you to fully enjoy this holiday season. With our holiday air travel tips, you can reduce the amount of stress put on your body. Here are our tips.
Check Heavy Bags
If you’re like most people, you’ll do just about anything to reduce the amount of time spent at the airport, and that usually means we avoid checking bags. You may be tempted to stuff everything you can into a carry-on, but keep the added weight of jackets, boots, and presents in mind. Can you safely lift that bag into an overhead compartment without hurting your back, neck, or shoulders? Saving a little time and money just isn’t worth the aches and pains that come with a neck or back injury. Make the right choice and check your bag if it’s too heavy.
Pack Light
Which brings us to our next tip…pack light! If you want to avoid checking bags, choose outfits that you can mix and match, bring only staple items, wear your coat and boots on the flight, and if you have presents to bring with you, ship them ahead of time. Make sure your carry-on bag has functioning wheels and comfortable handles. You don’t want to get stuck dragging it along through the airport and end up hurting your arms or back. When you do lift your bag, remember to use your legs and not your back and ask for help if you risk hurting yourself.
Support Your Spine
As much as we hear people complain about airline food, we don’t think that’s the worst part about flying – it’s the small and uncomfortable seats. We suggest you invest in a travel pillow to reduce neck strain and pain. If you still can’t get quite comfortable, ask for a pillow to support your back. If none are available, use a rolled-up blanket or sweater for support.
Visit Markson Chiropractic
Staying in proper alignment is beneficial to your health in many ways and can help you feel your best before your next flight. Our experienced chiropractors serving the greater Ft. Lauderdale and Miami area will provide treatment and adjustments custom to your needs to ensure your spine feels just fine before your travels. To schedule an adjustment before you take off, just click here!
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