
Overcome Holiday Stress With Chiropractic

Published December 14th, 2021 by Dr. Markson

You will likely feel the effects of the holidays long after your family has gone home and the decorations have been put away. Traveling, fatigue, and stress can all negatively impact your overall health and wellness. If the holidays have you searching for ways to relieve stress, try chiropractic care! Check out how chiropractic can help you with stress management.

Muscle Tension and Stress Reduction

You tense your muscles when you are under stress. The tension in your muscles can cause damage over time and will start causing pain. Due to the pain, you get less sleep and can't focus. Getting a chiropractic adjustment can help ease the tension. As a result, you will be more relaxed and be better able to cope when stress hits. 

Chronic Stress

Holiday stress seems like it will pass after the season is over, but if you are stressed for an extended period, it leads to being in a state of chronic stress. The effects of chronic stress can be devastating to the body. When stressed, you may experience back pain, muscle tightness, tension headaches, fatigue, and neck pain. Chiropractic treatments are a way to relieve stress because they can target the uncomfortable symptoms of chronic stress. In addition, a regular chiropractic adjustment can help soothe the nervous system, which reduces flight or fight responses common in stressful situations.

Restore Body Function

Your neurological system is built around your spine. The spine helps the brain communicate functions such as breathing and swallowing. When you experience stress and start to tense up, your spine moves out of alignment. Chiropractic adjustments will help you restore function to your spine. Overall, you may feel less stressed and have more energy.

Nourish Your Body

You may think that eating calms stress, but in reality, it simply adds more strain to your already tired body. Maintaining your health starts with a healthy diet. When we are least in the mood for eating healthily, it is the most important. Chiropractic care goes beyond adjusting your spine. A chiropractor can assist with nutrition counseling, including supplements your body might need.

The holidays don't have to be something you dread. Instead, try chiropractic care as a way to relieve the stress and depression that can accompany the holiday season. Schedule an appointment today with Markson Chiropractic, your local chiropractor in South Florida, for natural ways to relieve stress. Think positively and plan ahead during the holidays to find a way to manage your stress.

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