
Stay Healthy This Thanksgiving

Published November 16th, 2021 by Dr. Hoder

The holiday season has officially begun! Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends to celebrate what we have to be thankful for while enjoying some delicious food. Although holidays are filled with good food, it's important to remember to eat healthily. Here are our tips to help maintain your health and have a healthy Thanksgiving. 

Stay Active

Whatever it takes to keep active during the holiday season, whether participating in a 5k turkey trot or taking a walk around the neighborhood, making exercise a priority is essential. Working out in the morning helps boost your immunity and keeps you energized for the day's festivities.

Have a Colorful Plate

It's best not to fill your plate with turkey, dinner rolls, stuffing and mashed potatoes that are all one color — beige. Instead, serve it with salad and vegetables to add some color. You will eat healthy, avoid overeating, and prevent post meals drowsiness with all the extra nutrients.

Stay Stress-Free

It is no secret that the holiday season can be highly stressful, especially if you're the one putting it together and hosting it. The stress of the holidays can lead to headaches, sleep problems, and lower back pain. An adjustment or massage therapy session can help you relax and make your body more tolerant of stress.

Don't Skip Breakfast

Even though skipping breakfast before a big dinner may seem like a good idea to have room for all that delicious food, having breakfast has many benefits. By eating a nutritious breakfast, you'll have more self-control later on and won't overindulge to the point of feeling sick.

Drink Up

It is essential not to forget to drink water, especially if you are also drinking alcohol. Keeping your body hydrated is crucial in staying healthy and working at its best.

Make the most of your healthy Thanksgiving by following these few simple tips! Don't hesitate to contact us at Markson Chiropractic for more tips to maintain your health this holiday season.

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