
Chiropractic Can Help With Ear Infections

Published May 17th, 2016 by Dr. Markson

Chronic ear infections can be extremely frustrating for parents and children. Ear infections are typically treated with antibiotics, and if they persist children are scheduled for ear tube surgery. I'm sure you all would like to avoid surgery for your kids, so let me suggest considering chiropractic!

Why Do Children Suffer From Ear Infections

Ear infections occur much more commonly in children because their Eustachian tube is more horizontal than it is in adulthood. The Eustachian tube helps to drain the inner ear, and because it is more horizontal it can get blocked much more easily. Which leads to multiple ear infections throughout the year. The blockage in the Eustachian tube can also be caused by restricted movement in neck.

How Chiropractic Can Help Ear Infections

Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper movement in the neck and spine allowing the Eustachian tube to drain correctly. This will help reduce the pain associated with ear infections and if your children get adjusted regularly, it will also reduce the likelihood of chronic ear infections.

It's easy to go the traditional route and treat ear infections with mediation, but there is a non-invasive and drug free alternative called chiropractic so give it a try!

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