
5 Tips to Soothing Your Sciatic Pain

Published December 5th, 2017 by Dr. Markson

If you are looking for solutions to sciatic pain, you will often find chiropractic care at the top of the list. Unlike medication or surgery, chiropractic effectively helps sciatic symptoms, without uncomfortable side effects. It's important to remember that if you're going to do something, you may as well do it right, and that usually requires time. Healing, repair, and relief do not happen instantaneously. Regular chiropractic visits can help you find relief, but what about immediate relief?  

As you continue your regular chiropractic visits, there are some additional measures you can take that may assist in your immediate pain relief. Remember that each person's body is different, and what works for someone else may not work for you. Sciatic pain is a frustrating issue to deal with, and if you keep an open mind, you might be surprised at the therapies that can help you.  

Yoga and Stretching

If you've been paying attention to our blogs, you know we are strong believers in stretching! If you are suffering from sciatic pain, it is best to stay away from strenuous exercise. But, if you become sedentary, you could find inactivity to be equally as damaging. Yoga and stretching improve posture and lengthen the spine while helping stiffness and strengthening, and even reducing inflammation. Studies have shown that it's not only safe for those with sciatica, but also effective! 


The last few years have shown a growing interest in acupuncture, which is a therapy that uses needles to stimulate the body’s healing process. A study on acupuncture and sciatica found that a test group of patients exposed to warming acupuncture found relief from sciatic symptoms. The therapy actually helped increase their pain tolerance. Two other test groups were exposed to medication, and the group that was exposed to warming acupuncture showed significantly higher improvement. 

Epsom Salt Soaks

It has been known for years that epsom salt baths have restorative properties. Not only do they relax the nervous system, but they also assist the body in drawing out toxins. Warm water reduces inflammation and increases circulation, creating a perfect combination to promote relaxation that many find beneficial for sciatic pain.

Heat and Cold Therapies

When used correctly, heat and cold therapies can provide relief for many types of pain, including sciatica. The best way to determine whether you need heat or cold is to pay attention to what kind of pain you are experiencing. Heat is perfect for aches and pains — it can increase circulation, loosen tight muscles, and dull pain. Cold, on the other hand, reduces inflammation, swelling, and spasms by restricting blood flow.  Some find alternating the two provides them with the relief they are looking for.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, the result is a number of problems, mainly pain. One way to fight against that inflammation is by paying attention to your diet. If your diet is high in oxidized cholesterol, refined sugars, and trans fats, a change may be in order. Try replacing it with one filled with whole, organic foods that will help reduce inflammation such as leafy greens, fatty fish, fermented vegetables, and dark berries.

These tips, in combination with regular chiropractic visits, will have you on the right path to relieving your sciatic pain.

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