
Chiropractic for Shoulder Pain

Published June 24th, 2015 by Dr. Hoder

Often times patients will come into our office complaining of shoulder pain. Usually people will wait until they have almost no range of motion to seek treatment. Their shoulder joint is literally frozen in place. Which is why this is referred to as frozen shoulder.

Here's what you can do to help with frozen shoulder:

First off, if you have an injury with your rotator cuff, and you see a physical therapist or a chiropractor, follow their recommendations! Any kind of physical therapy can flare up your body for a while, but this is because your muscles are weakened and not working as they should. If you experience discomfort speak with your PT or chiropractors and they will adjust your exercises accordingly.

Secondly, at Markson Chiropractic, our treatment recommendations usually involve breaking up the adhesions between muscles with intense muscle work. It sometimes hurts, but after enough sessions it will free up the frozen joint and loosen up your muscles. In addition to our treatment we will also do shoulder adjustments to restore the normal motion.

Thirdly, almost all shoulder problems have some spinal involvement. If a patient has shoulder problems it is almost always associated with neck or upper back issues as well. While exercises for your shoulder will help, it is also important to have the proper spinal alignment as well. Regular chiropractic adjustments will help to restore the proper motion for your frozen shoulder and will also help to prevent future injury.

As always, for help with your shoulder (or any other issues), call our office to see how we can help!

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