
Beat Your Low Back Pain!

Published June 5th, 2018 by Dr. Hoder

If you've ever suffered from recurring low back pain, you know that things seem to be going just fine for a while and then all of a sudden, you are experiencing that pain again! You might even be stuck lying flat on your back with an ice pack because you can't even move. We've heard of this scenario more times than we can count, and there are some constant factors to this and tips to avoid it. 

Pain Is A Symptom, Not The Problem

The first thing you need to understand is that the pain is a symptom, not the actual problem. Pain indicates that something isn't ideal and is a way for your body to communicate. There is some level of dysfunction that is taking place, and your nerve fibers that transmit pain are stimulated. Then, pain is transmitted throughout your nervous system. The nervous system has a number of jobs, and roughly 11% of it can transmit pain. Pain is typically the last thing to come about and the first thing to go away, so it is not a great idea to use it as a sole indicator of how your body is functioning.

Our Take: Don't wait for pain to be your motivation for exercise and health practices that support your spinal health.

Be Consistent In Your Care

You know the old saying: Consistency is key! This is also true to maintain a healthy spine and reduce back pain. One of the common culprits of recurring back pain is that individuals don't consistently participate in healthy and spine-supporting activities, like exercise, strength training, and chiropractic care. A person cannot expect perfectly toned muscles by going to the gym once a week, and the same concept applies for a properly functioning, healthy, pain-free spine. People typically know what they need to do to maintain a healthy spine, they just don't maintain supportive practices with consistency.

Our Take: Practice spinal health routines consistently, including core strengthening, stretching, and chiropractic care.

Make Choices Based on Health, Not Desire

A primary factor of recurring back pain is that many participate in activities they want to do or they like to do, not activities that are really healthy for the spine. We should, of course, participate in activities we enjoy. But as we move through life, activities that were once easy become more challenging. What was easy at 23 might be more difficult at 53 and that's okay. So, even if it's not the most fun, participate in healthy activities for your spine to maintain its health throughout your years and know that if you do things your spine and body don't like, you usually end up paying the price in pain!

Our Take: Slow down! Ask yourself if that activity is really the healthiest thing for your spine and body. Is the aftermath worth it?

It can be challenging to do what's best for your body, but we're here to help! Be sure to ask us for tips for your spine's health during your next visit.

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