Back to School Tips During Coronavirus

The school season is officially here and it feels like waking up after a long quarantine. Different counties may be in different phases, but many kids are headed back to the classroom. Beyond maintaining a sense of patience, calm, and flexibility (it’s important for more than your spine!), here are some of our tips to keep your kids safe for the school year.
Purchase Your Own School Supplies
Communal school supplies might be nice, but you should avoid relying on them unless absolutely necessary. Ensure that your child is well-stocked on classroom supplies and discuss boundaries for sharing.
Hand Washing and Sanitizer
We have been hearing for months how important it is to wash your hands and to wash them frequently. Be sure that you send your child to school well-informed on proper (click here for some great tips) and that they know to wash them frequently. You will also want to be sure they have plenty of alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is 60% or higher for situations where handwashing isn’t available.
Face Masks
Cloth face coverings are recommended by the CDC as simple barriers that can help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by blocking respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the mask talks, coughs, sneezes, or raises their voice. Face masks are mandated in many counties, so you want to be sure your child has face masks that are well-fitted and comfortable. Pack a few spares in case of damage or contamination.
Don’t Send Sick Kids to School
If your child is displaying symptoms of illness, please keep them home! While this is usually advised, it is more important than ever. If virtual learning and your child is well enough to participate, no problem. But risking exposure in the classroom is a no-no. As the school year starts, develop a routine for temperature checks and if they have a fever, keep them home. If the information hasn’t already been shared regarding sick policies and rules for the school year, reach out to your child’s school to find out more.
Get Adjusted at Markson Chiropractic
Just as you benefit from chiropractic adjustments, your child can too. To help your kids stay healthy and growing properly, bring them in to your local Plantation, FL chiropractor. Our chiropractors provide care for patients of all ages and growing bodies can benefit from chiropractic in many ways including better rest, increased ability to focus, and an improved immune system.
To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care and how Markson Chiropractic can help, click here to contact us.
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