New Year's Resolution Ideas

It is a magical time in South Florida! The weather is cooling down, and we are in the middle of the holidays. Now that Christmas has passed, it's that time of year where most start thinking of New Year's resolutions. Generally, these include things to stop or start doing with the intent of improving overall health and wellness. However, sometimes people "bite off more than they can chew" and make health goals that are not attainable. The key is to start with something small and realistic, hoping to evolve into something bigger. Check out these New Year's resolution ideas:
Eat Healthier
One of the most common health goals for resolutions is to eat healthier. However, there has to be an attainable starting point. I once read a book called Grain Brain, which talked about the harmful health effects of gluten on the body. It made me never want to eat gluten again. So instead of cutting out all grains, I became gluten-free "within reason". I slowly started eating less and less bread, pasta, etc. After a while, I realized that I felt the best when I ate a "paleo" diet consisting of meat and vegetables. I still eat butter, cheese, and red meat, but weaning off bread products has positively impacted my health and wellness. So rather than say, "I'm giving up all bread for New Year", you should just limit your intake and replace them with vegetables. This way, you will slowly get used to it, and it will phase itself out.
Give Up Alcohol
"Giving up" alcohol as a New Year's resolution is a popular health goal. However, there are healthy changes you can make while still being able to partake in adult beverages. For example, try a spiked seltzer rather than drink heavy beer containing many calories and gluten. Also, instead of having that martini, drink a glass of red wine. Replacing something a little better for you rather than completely giving up is the way to go.
Exercise More
Getting to the gym and exercising more in the New Year always seems like a reasonable resolution. But again, people promise themselves that they'll exercise everyday and that never really works. Set a reasonable goal like working out for 20-30 minutes 3 times a week to start. If you stick to a more reasonable health goal, it will become a habit, and THEN you can ramp it up.
Visit A Chiropractor
Lastly, people always want to be the healthiest version of themselves. What better way to do this than incorporate chiropractic care into your weekly routine? Chiropractic adjustments will enable your nervous system to function at 100%, which will make your body function at its utmost potential. If you're already eating better, drinking less, and exercising, chiropractic can be the proverbial icing on the cake to make you the best you can be! You only get one body and one life, so you may as well do the best that you can. For more information about chiropractic care, contact us today. You can rely on our experienced professionals at Markson Chiropractic to take care of your health and wellness. Here's to a better you in 2022!
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