
The Importance of Chiropractic for Athletes

Published December 15th, 2014 by Markson Chiropractic And Medical

Chiropractic care offers a natural way to treat and prevent many different ailments that often plague athletes. Regular chiropractic adjustments can provide relief from the strain that is being placed on an athletes body.  High-impact sports can place the same amount of strain on the body as a car accident. Athletes receiving regular chiropractic adjustments may notice improved flexibility, improved range of motion, and improved performance.

Although chiropractic treatment is helpful to athletes, there are many other things they should also be doing to perform at their best:

  • Drink water. Hydration is a key element to optimal fitness. Athletes should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

  • Wear the proper equipment. Make sure all your athletic equipment, including helmets, pads and shoes fit you properly. If the equipment gets damaged, replace it before the next game to avoid any unnecessary injuries.

  • Eat healthy meals. Make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet and not skipping meals. Athletes should be eating two to four hours before a game or practice, and having an additional meal one to two hours after a game or practice.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Certain sports, such as gymnastics, wrestling and figure skating, may require athletes to follow strict dietary rules. Be sure you do not feel pressured into being too thin and that you understand that proper nutrition and caloric intake is needed for optimal performance and endurance.

  • Avoid sugar-loaded, caffeinated and carbonated drinks. Sports drinks are a good source of replenishment for athletes engaged in long duration sports, such as track and field.

  • Follow a warm-up routine. Be sure to include a warm-up and stretching session before every practice, game or meet. A slow jog, jumping rope and/or lifting small weights reduces the risk of torn or ripped muscles. Flexibility is key when pushing to score that extra goal or make that critical play.

  • Get plenty of rest. Eight hours of sleep is ideal. Lack of sleep and rest can decrease performance.

Our chiropractors are trained and licensed to treat the entire neuromusculoskeletal system and can provide advice on sports training, nutrition and injury prevention. Make sure to take all the precautions necessary to avoid any sports-related injuries, including regular chiropractic adjustments!

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