Dr. Rick Markson, D.C.

Dr. Rick Markson, D.C.
Dr. Markson has been practicing in Plantation, Florida since 1996. He is a second-generation chiropractor who uses his personal experience to help the members of his community enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care.
Because Dr. Markson has lived the chiropractic lifestyle since birth, he is extremely passionate about having his patients share the same experience. He believes that proper spinal hygiene, nutrition, exercise, and stress management are essential ingredients to achieving abundant health for every member of the family.
Dr. Markson served on the Board of Directors of the Broward County Chiropractic Society since 1999, including two years as President. His other professional affiliations include The Masters Circle, a company dedicated to helping chiropractors build the practices of their dreams, The Winners Circle, a company based on personal development and life fulfillment, and The Chiropractic Leadership Alliance, an international company dedicated to the dissemination of the latest chiropractic research, political and insurance concerns.
Dr. Markson began teaching practice management, success philosophy, and chiropractic adjusting techniques while enrolled at Life Chiropractic College, and now lectures throughout the country. He is one of only twelve instructors in the United States certified to teach the nationally renowned Thompson Adjusting Technique. He was also awarded the 2003 Masters Circle International Chiropractor of the Year Award.